May 2, 2023
AgencyWhat Are Affinity Groups and How They Can Benefit You
Affinity groups are groups of people who share a common interest, profession, or affiliation. They can be based on anything from hobbies, like photography or birdwatching, to professional associations, like the American Medical Association or the National Education Association. These groups often have partnerships with insurance companies that offer discounted rates and specialized insurance policies […]
June 17, 2023
AgencyNavigating the Insurance Industry Hierarchy in California: Regulation and Protection
The insurance industry plays a crucial role in safeguarding individuals, businesses, and assets from unexpected risks and providing financial security. In California, this vital sector operates within a well-defined hierarchy of regulatory bodies and organizations. Understanding this hierarchy is essential for both insurance providers and consumers to ensure compliance, protection, and fair practices. In […]
June 19, 2023
AgencyCalifornia Homeowners Insurance Market Shaken as State Farm and Allstate Decision
The recent decision by State Farm and Allstate to discontinue offering new homeowners insurance policies in California has created a void in the market, leaving homeowners searching for alternative options to protect their properties. While State Farm and Allstate have not provided any specific timeline for when they may resume offering homeowners insurance in […]